New Keywork

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  • Conn Transitional NWII / 10M Tenor 1930 New Keywork 243217 Fresh Overhaul!

    $ 5,950

    Unlacquered 1930 Conn transitional tenor which has had modern keywork painstakingly fit to the old body tube. This is my favorite vintage of Conn for tone. If you’ve ever wanted a Conn tone without sacrificing key feel to play the 30’s keywork, this is one of those rare chances to do it. The horn is also gorgeous. I like that they picked a really clean, beautiful example to use as the shell for the overhaul.

    Keywork was fitted by a shop in Canada, and then the horn was thoroughly setup (basically overhauled ~$1650) and perfected by Aaron Barnard in Iowa. It plays GREAT!

    Only one available!